International History

I am a second-year PhD student in the History department at Lancaster University. My current research – in line with the Centre for War and Diplomacy – focuses on the economic, political, and strategic rationale of Britain during the Cold War. My thesis will leverage archival sources and oral histories to dissect Britain’s rationale in its decision to collaborate with other European partners on the Panavia Tornado multirole combat aircraft. My research is, at its core, interdisciplinary drawing from History (International, British, and Military), Political Science (International Relations and Security Studies), and Economics (through Defence Economics). My PhD is AHRC funded and in collaboration with the Royal Air Force Museum (RAFM). I will make express use of RAFM's archives and connections to explore the Panavia project in depth. Broadly I am interested in Cold War studies, arms procurement, state power relations, the history of science and technology, and Aviation History.
I have recently served as a research and analysis intern for the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence where I contributed to the seventh edition of their Global Strategic Trends publication. I strongly welcome submissions relating to my aforementioned research interests. I also welcome submissions in the broader fields of Military History and International History and encourage interdisciplinary submissions.
LinkedIn: Samuel Hollins