The LHPC Team

This year’s Lancaster Historical Postgraduate Conference (LHPC) “Histfest” has an exciting line-up of panels, events, and presentations. With presenters from twenty institutions from across the UK and overseas, a Keynote from Dr David Petts of Durham University and a Faculty Panel consisting of Faculty from across Lancaster University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Science.
As the 26th iteration of the conference, this year’s conference has added a number of new innovations. Starting with NFC enabled Digital business cards where attendees can easily share their digital content, such as published articles, projects they are working on or social media handles such as Twitter and LinkedIn. This year’s LHPC will also include the presentation of posters for the first time. This year’s conference will also, for the first time, include faculty members from beyond Lancaster University’s History Department, featuring panellists from across Lancaster University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
In lieu of the conference at the end of this month, representatives of the Organising Committee has shared what they are most looking forward to this year.
Amy Stanning
This will be my third LHPC – Histfest, but my first as part of the organising team. I am really looking forward to seeing our planning over many months come to fruition. We have probably the widest selection of papers to be presented from speakers researching beyond the bounds of conventional historical research. Aside from the papers, I always enjoy meeting other researchers and discussing their work over lunch, during the breaks and of course, at the conference dinner!
Dabeoc Stanley
I am very excited by the breadth of the subjects being discussed in this year’s LHPC and the novel methodological approaches being presented. This will be complemented by our inter-disciplinary Faculty Panel; I am looking forward to learning about the application of corpus linguistics techniques to changing historiographical discussions. In relation to my own research, I am excited to have the opportunity to discuss Historical Geographical Information Systems (HGIS) with fellow early-career researchers!
Ed Moore
This year I am really looking forward to seeing the Mediterranean Identities and Histories of Experience panels; both are shaping out into fascinating panels with speakers covering broad histories whilst adhering well to their panel themes. I am also looking forward to utilising the NFC digital business cards, which promise to be an exciting new way to help share my own profiles with other attendees without the hassle of swapping phones or writing down details on paper. Most of all, I am looking forward to Dr Petts’ keynote as it covers aspects of my own research.
This year’s LHPC Histfest is being hosted at Lancaster University’s Management School on Monday 27th – Tuesday 28th June 2022. Tickets and more information can be found on our website: We are looking forward to seeing our guests and presenters and hearing all the fascinating research they have to showcase.