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Letter from the Editors


The Editorial Team

Dear Reader,

A year ago, EPOCH published its inaugural issue. In what has been a difficult and challenging year, we have been delighted by the tenacity and ingenuity of the Postgraduate and Early Career Research community. The response to EPOCH far surpassed any of our initial expectations for the magazine.

Our aim of providing a platform for Postgraduates and ECRs to publish their work and engage with a wider audience within academia and beyond has resonated across the international community. To date, EPOCH has published 89 articles from 73 contributors. From our base in Lancaster in the northwest of England, EPOCH has published articles from contributors in 13 countries across 4 continents. Our histories are equally global, with research spanning 5 continents and covering an ever-expanding range of specialisms.

In EPOCH’s second year, our commitment to supporting diverse and inclusive histories will continue with a range of thematic issues. In this issue, our attention has turned to the theme of Science and Technology. You will find three fascinating glimpses into the field of medical history with tales of Infant incubator sideshows, stigmatised female health, and time-keeping and pulse-taking. Read about the sharing of mathematical and philosophical thought within a high profile marriage in revolutionary Paris. Two of our contributors also consider how technology shapes the future of the discipline: explore the goals and achievements of a born-digital pandemic archive, and the challenges of diversifying digital datasets.


The Editorial Board.

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